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  • #12828


    Hi Sylvie,

    Don’t know if you got my last reply. I really had to do some searching to find this!! I think if you activate the “all logged in users” when you post, we are able to leave a comment direct on the blog, rather than this round about way.

    To make a long story short, I think your best bet is to take Skype lessons while your home and possibility take your accordion and Skype lessons on the road with you. I have “tag” Yev (one of the  accordion instructors), who can give you details on Skype lessons and practice tips.

    The serious students I know all have regular practice schedules based on their priority and time availability, which includes myself. Consistency being a key component and most helpful in learning. Let me know if you have other questions. Dale



    Dave Rojewski

    Hi Sylvie.  I try to play 25-30 minutes per day.  I am almost done with Course 1, which I began in January.  I do miss a day or so occasionally.  I do find it hard to be productive for a full 30 minutes at a time, so many times I play/practice for 2 15  minute sessions.


    Richard Moore

    I mostly play everyday since I started the Accordion exactly 2 years ago. I too have had back problems, solved by playing sitting bolt upright on the front edge of my chair, everything at 90 degrees, and using the Deschamps Technique method (from this website). My Accordion is full size + Cassotto, a heavy instrument. Plus my music stand is pretty much at sitting down head height – that is non-negotiable as far as my back is concerned! I am a member of the UK Norwich Accordion Band and we play for 2 hours practice per week and our next concert is two hours long with a big repertoire my wife and I have had to learn from scratch (we are both pianists). So we play up to 60 mins per day and as we both play Second Accordion in our band, we practice to self-recorded music on my big stereo at home, which is playing along to our full 5-part Accordion band, incl. drums. You do need to work up to playing for 2 hours at a time, and I must confess I had problems with my upper left arm in the early days. I nearly had to stop playing Feb 2017. The advice from the rest of the band was, play as quietly as you need to and stop yanking on your bellows so much in the loud sections, but keep playing a min of 20-30 mins EVERY day, even through the pain – it will pass. It did and it has.  It took me a full year to cope physically in my mid 50s to fully play in band. Now I really love it and I am good for 2 hours at a time. Good luck. BTW, Nordic Walking has done wonders for my back and accordion playing as I walk bolt upright with two poles and my arms are strengthened.


    Dwight VanSickle

    Hello everyone,   I am Dwight 64 and decided to started the new year with accordion life lessons.  I am not sorry for starting from the beginning so I don’t miss anything on how to play with this system.  I am already in a few lessons in level 1.  I had lessons when I was 8 or 10 years old. I do play the piano but not very good.  Accordion is my favorite to play.  I just need to get movated to  start playing again only with accordion life system.

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