Serbian Accordion Method Book One (In English)
The Serbian Accordion Method Book One by Dr. Zoran Rakić.
Wonder why Russian students play so well? Here is the method book they use! This book is in English.
Raising the art of playing the accordion at the academic level should be the goal of every student and teacher.
This method book keeps inline with modern trends in the world for the accordion; bringing the equal status of both types of instruments (piano and chromatic B-system Bayan).
This book is a varied musical material that provides students many choices of composition while mastering the curriculum. This issue is intended for beginning students wanting further education.
During the learning process, special attention must be given to the bellows and all bellow marks are included. The bellows of the accordion in performing arts is like the use of the bow with the stringed instruments. Making music on the instrument is not without good quality driven bellows.
Fingering is included for both the B-system chromatic bayan (written above the notes) and Piano Accordion (written below the notes). The piano accordion fingerings choices are for the most rational usage but it certainly should not be considered as the only correct option. As for the bayan, it is the same application of fingering for the right hand of the keyboard as it contains the most modern trends that is used and developed in Europe and Russia.
Zoran Rakić, PhD, acquired his higher education at the Russian National Academy of Music “Gnjesinih” in Moscow (graduated in 1990, finished master studies in 1994 and doctoral studies in 2004). He is in the academic title of full professor. He is the author of six accordion course books for elementary music schools and of numerous music collections and professional literature.
His students and pupils have attained remarkable results – more than 400 prizes, including 270 victories, special and first prizes at numerous competitions and festivals.
92 pages.
eBook is digital. No physical product will be delivered. For personal use only.