You want to understand The Layout Of the Bass Side and be comfortable with bass jumps
You want a proven system to be able to Move Around The Bass Buttons Easily and not get lost every few seconds
You are eager to know what The Proper Fingering is for bass notes, bass runs, bass patterns, scales and arpeggios
You desire to build good habits from the start and Use Proper Technique for the bass buttons so you can play confidently
You are looking for Exercises To Develop Your Left Hand so you can play your favorite songs and not worry if you're doing it correctly
You want to know how to Embellish And Create More Interesting Bass Patterns to add to your music to make it more interesting
You want to know how to add and Use More Advanced Chord Techniques and build chord structures the pros use
World Champion Musician • Master Teacher • Best Selling Author
2X TEDx Speaker • Entrepreneur • Keynote Speaker
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