Favorite Accordion Apps for Learning Accordion
Technology can either be a great distraction, or a great help! Today, I want to share with you some of the Accordion Life Academy Team's favorite apps for learning the accordion. We hope they're helpful on your accordion journey!
Hohner Piano Squeezebox Accordion

Now you can play piano accordion on your iPad or iPhone/iPod touch! With customizable settings and views, the Hohner Piano SqueezeBox Accordion App now makes practice on the go easy and fun. AccordionLifeAcademy.com Core Curriculum features this app - you will find that several of the settings mesh seamlessly with lessons in the core curriculum, making learning even easier no matter where you are!
To learn more, visit the developer's website: App Info
Hohner Chromatic Squeezebox Accordion

Now you can play C-System or B-System Chromatic accordion on your iPad or iPhone/iPod touch! With customizable settings and views, the Hohner Chromatic SqueezeBox Accordion App now makes practice on the go easy and fun. AccordionLife.com Core Curriculum features this app - you will find that several of the settings mesh seamlessly with lessons in the core curriculum, making learning even easier no matter where you are! The iPad app interchanges between C-System or B-System. iPhone or iPod, pick your system!
To learn more, visit the developer's website: App Info

Pro Metronome
A favorite among the staff of Accordion Life Academy, Pro Metronome is packed with helpful features and an easy-to-use interface that makes working with "Mr. Metronome" a great experience. Flexible and highly customizable, you can easily adjust the settings to your needs and boost your rhythm and tempo accuracy as you practice with Pro Metronome.
To learn more, visit the developer's website: App Info
Smart Digital Music Score - Piascore

Ever wanted all your digital sheet music in one place? Now you can! With PiaScore you can store and access all your digital sheet music easily on your iPad or iPhone. Not only can you view your sheet music and easily turn pages, you can also take notes and highlight important sections right in PiaScore. This has been one of the most helpful tools Accordion Life Academy staff have used to keep all their music conveniently in one place.
To learn more, visit the developer's website: App Info
We hope these apps are helpful for you!